I went back to the doctor today for a checkup. All is well. I have not gained any weight, but Baby is growing right along schedule. Can't complain about that. We also had an ultrasound to check for and Down Syndrome markers. All is well with that also.
Not sure about the formatting of these pictures, but at least they are here...This is a profile. Baby was lying face down and bobbing its head the whole time! We all, including the tech, got a kick out of it. She had a hard time getting the measurements because Baby was bobbing the head...

This first one is face-on. Hard to see much, still looks like an alien at this point. Next is another profile.

Another profile from multiple attempts to get the right measurment from the bobble-head baby! Then, finally, a full 7 cm body shot. You could actually see the little arms move over its head, little legs kicking, and of course, the bobbing head! It was amazing...I love to actually see this!

My next appointment is July 3. It should just be a check up. I will be 17.5 weeks, but they told me I had to wait another 2 weeks to find out if Brady is going to have a little sister or little brother. If you ask Brady, he will tell you that he is going to "hab little sister a (in) my home!" We shall see...